AN ALL-IN-ONE SOLUTION. Bedside-Care Foam by Coloplast serves as a no-rinse body wash, shampoo, and incontinence cleanser in a simple, foaming solution
UNSCENTED AND GENTLE. Presents no strong odors, making it a discreet and considerate choice for patient care
CoaguChek XS PT Test Strips are integral to the CoaguChek anticoagulation monitoring system. These strips are designed to work with the CoaguChek XS Meter, facilitating the therapeutic monitoring of patients on warfarin.
Straightforward straightforward application requires a small sample size of just 8µl of fresh capillary whole blood to deliver accurate and rapid results, usually in about a minute.
HIGH-QUALITY LIQUID FOOD FORMULA. The Nestle Fibersource HN is a precisely crafted tube feeding formula built for adults requiring support for either normal or elevated caloric and protein needs, provided in a convenient 8.45 ounce carton
On-The-Go INGREDIENTS. Each carton accommodates a hearty 300 kilocalories, making it a compact, nutrient-dense choice that aids in lean body mass support