NO-RINSE CONDITIONER PROVIDES CONVENIENCE AND EFFICIENCY. Scientifically formulated and alcohol-free, the product streamlines hair care routines while maintaining hair's health and vitality
WATERLESS CONDITIONER FOR MANAGEABLE HAIR. Eliminates snarls and tangles without water, effectively turning hair care into an effortless task, even in personal, bathing, or medical scenarios
QuickVue At-Home OTC COVID-19 Test lets you get rapid results, in the privacy of your own home. Available over-the-counter, everything you need is in the package and taking the test is simple.
This home test is authorized for nonprescription home use with self-collected (unobserved) direct anterior nasal (NS) swab specimens from individuals aged 14 years and older or with adult-collected anterior NS samples from individuals aged 2 years or older.