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Quick: Should I use a CGM Adhesive Patch? Yes!

Quick: Should I use a CGM Adhesive Patch? Yes!

Quick: Should I use a CGM Adhesive Patch? Yes!

If you wear a Continuous Glucose Monitor, it's best to consider buying a CGM adhesive patch. There are several reasons for this.

CGM devices are extremely convenient, but sometimes they fall off and that’s extremely irritating.

Have you thought about a CGM adhesive patch? (Coming soon to our site!)

You might be thinking, “how do I keep my sensor secure so it won't fall off? I’ve tried everything!”

What else should I consider?

When You CGM... Consider Skin

Clean skin is a critical start to ensure a successful CGM device application because hygiene is important to any skin contact and when it involves the use of medical equipment.

The adhesive is what allows a CGM device to stick so it's important that oil, dirt, dust, etc. on your body must be washed off before applying your CGM device.

This is especially important if your occupation or exercise routine produces these substances.

Therefore, thoroughly wash your hands to sanitize them completely, then sanitize your skin, the area where you will apply the CGM device.

If the area of application is not clean, it will weaken the security and yes, it will fall off.

A quick way to clean skin without worrying about your CGM device is to use an alcohol pad or IV wipe. Because of the ingredients, it produces stickiness, so it will help the device stay secure.

Make sure you let it fully dry before applying anything else!

Buy The Right CGM Adhesive

Please don’t buy fabric tapes. This tape and others aren’t medically designed to support nor properly secure a CGM device.

Although those items may be cheaper, they're not durable for the long-term.

If you need extra hold, a CGM adhesive patch is the best solution. It will keep your CGM device in place without the use of more adhesives. You can find these online. (Coming soon to!)

Look carefully at any information in a CGM adhesive patch product description and check its ingredients before buying.

It’s Your Move, Go for CGM Adhesive Patch!

The user’s age, allergies, and activity level are important to consider here because even though anyone can use a CGM device, as we discussed, it doesn’t always stick.

Try moving it to a different place like the lower back or upper arm area. You can always move the insertion site to a place that is most convenient for daily sports and activities.

We all know the way an adult moves through the day is different than a child. Adults have to consider occupation, lifestyle, exercise, and that varies from person to person.

For children, they make even more movements during the course of the day. Be it at home or school or other activities, they generally have more energy. Sensors are not cheap and many parents struggle to keep the sensor secure on their child.

We highly recommend using premium adhesive patches in this case. (Coming soon to!)

Blog Calender Blog UserBy Christy Love


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